There could be two additional parameters for each weapon which would modify the bink value depending if the player is crouched or laying down.
The bink value would be the "standing" bink value then.
For example:
Bink= value
Bink_cr= x
Bink_pr= y
The only reason for this is because I thought It would be a good way to further differentiate the Minimi from the other automatics.
It could be given a much higher bink value, in exchange of a bink multiplier somewhere between 1 and 0.
That would benefit the player who prones or crounches to fire it, which is consistent with the fact that it is a support weapon and even has a bipod to use when prone.
I would leave every other weapon alone (so the factor would equal 1).
For example
Bink= -70
Bink_cr= 0.5 (half the original value)
Bink_pr= 0.1 (... ten percent..)
Just some random numbers, just to get the idea across. What do you think ?