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@Gizd: Colors are already described as colors, I don't need to use a prefix for them
But why do chat commands suck? I don't understand what's wrong about them, and they are what most Soldat players understand. You know those noobs who cannot get a hang of what a slash is about and just leave instead of try for a few minutes so I just left it like that.
You are so right, Swomp ... the way I coded it it would totally be abused a lot ...
Thank you, Shooter, I added the link to the first post
(19:38:15) Connecting to Soldat Admin Connection Established.(19:38:16) Welcome, you are in command of the server now.(19:38:16) List of commands available in the Soldat game Manual.Using REFRESHX v2.6.5(19:38:16) Server Version: 2.6.5(19:38:17) /friendlyfire ( [Error] Mountain 1.2 -> (OnCommand): '' is not a valid integer value(19:38:17) Friendly Fire is 0(19:38:17) /bonus ( [Error] Mountain 1.2 -> (OnCommand): '' is not a valid integer value(19:38:17) Current bonus frequency is 1(19:38:18) /vote% ( [Error] Mountain 1.2 -> (OnCommand): '' is not a valid integer value(19:38:18) Voting percent is 60(19:38:18) /respawntime ( [Error] Mountain 1.2 -> (OnCommand): '' is not a valid integer value(19:38:18) Respawn time is 5 seconds(19:38:18) /maxrespawntime ( [Error] Mountain 1.2 -> (OnCommand): '' is not a valid integer value(19:38:19) Maximum Respawn time is 6 seconds(19:40:14) /say [Shooter] test ( [Error] Mountain 1.2 -> (OnCommand): '[Shooter]' is not a valid integer value
Piece1 := GetPiece(Text,' ',0); Piece2 := GetPiece(Text,' ',1); Piece3 := GetPiece(Text,' ',2); location: Gunzenhausen/Germanymax players: 12realistic is onall weapons are disabled
(16:57:08) /recompile(16:57:08) [Error] Mountain 1.65 -> (OnCommand): Access violation at address 0804D7A0, accessing address 00000021(16:57:08) ScriptCore v2.6 loaded! Found 2 scripts...(16:57:09) Compiling Mountain 1.65 -> MClimbing.pas...(16:57:09) Compiling default -> Core.pas...(16:57:09) Compiling default -> NetworkCore.pas...(16:57:09) Compiling default -> AdminCore.pas...(16:57:09) Compilation Complete.
(09:52:10) /recompile(09:52:11) [Error] Mountain 1.65a -> (OnCommand): Access violation at address 0804D7A0, accessing address 00000011(09:52:11) ScriptCore v2.6 loaded! Found 1 scripts...(09:52:11) Compiling Mountain 1.65a -> MClimbing.pas...(09:52:11) Compilation Complete.
Script Name: MountainClimbing 1.65aScript Description Climb ModeAuthor: DarkCrusadeCompile Test: PassedCore Version: 2.6.5Hosted by: Soldat Central - http://soldatcentral.com/Full Description:Script Name: MountainClimbing 1.65aScript Description Climb ModeAuthor: DarkCrusadeCompile Test: PassedCore Version: 2.6.5Hosted by: Soldat Central - http://soldatcentral.com/Full Description:
///////////////////////////////////////////// Mountain Climbing -v1.2- by DarkCrusade
Seriously, I don't know where the hell you got the download link for v1.2[...]
From the first post. 1.65 is in zip name but content says it's 1.2.
Yeah, I wish luck to people who want to know which version they have.
Download says it's v1.2 and there's 1.65 in topic.
Code: [Select]///////////////////////////////////////////// Mountain Climbing -v1.2- by DarkCrusadeYeah, I wish luck to people who want to know which version they have.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |\ /| ____ // //// | \_/ | / ___\ // //// | _ | | | // //// | | | |outain | |___limbing 1.65a // //// |_| |_| \____/ // //
(21:08:00) Connecting to Soldat Admin Connection Established.(21:08:00) Welcome, you are in command of the server now.(21:08:02) List of commands available in the Soldat game Manual.Using REFRESHX v2.6.5(21:08:03) Server Version: 2.6.5(21:08:03) /friendlyfire (21:08:03) [Error] Mountain 1.65a -> (OnCommand): Access violation at address 0804D7A0, accessing address 00000029(21:08:03) Friendly Fire is 0(21:08:03) /bonus(21:08:03) [Error] Mountain 1.65a -> (OnCommand): Access violation at address 0804D7A0, accessing address 00000019(21:08:04) Current bonus frequency is 1(21:08:04) /vote%(21:08:04) [Error] Mountain 1.65a -> (OnCommand): Access violation at address 0804D7A0, accessing address 00000009(21:08:04) Voting percent is 60(21:08:04) /respawntime (21:08:04) [Error] Mountain 1.65a -> (OnCommand): Access violation at address 0804D7A0, accessing address 00000019(21:08:04) Respawn time is 5 seconds(21:08:05) /maxrespawntime(21:08:05) [Error] Mountain 1.65a -> (OnCommand): Access violation at address 0804D7A0, accessing address 00000009(21:08:05) Shutting down server...(21:08:05) Maximum Respawn time is 6 seconds(21:08:07) Shutting down FileServer...(21:08:08) Shutting down admin server...(21:08:08) Connection to the server lost
I fixed the post but I have no bloody idea what causes the violation. Do you have any problems with hosting the script? Please test all functions!
if GetPiece(Text,' ',1) <> '' then
I need more information:-What happens when you type one of the special admin commands used by the script?-SoldatServer version-Soldat version
if GetPiece(Text,' ',3) <> '' then Piece4 := GetPiece(Text,' ',3);