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There's still something wrong concerning number 10: Fixed SetWeaponActive bugs weapons of a player on spawn #603 I noticed that when I take 2 different weapons on a respawn, it will call OnWeaponChange with the old primary weapon as now-secondary.Example: I take Minimi(9) and Law(16), kill myself, and take Spas(5) and Combat Knife(14). At spawn, OnWeaponChange(ID, 5, 9) will be called. Perhaps this is still caused by SetWeaponActive, as I tested with the original script that uses those calls. If you require so, I can do tests without SetWeaponActive.
I haven't coded in some time, but if I recall correctly, the first OnWeaponChange call after the respawn would be (PrimaryID, Fists), then immediately a second call with (PrimaryID, SecondaryID) followed. We're using "Weapon-Spawnshields" in our scripts that prevent players from taking weapons they're not supposed to take (in case SetWeaponActive-update was not successfully received, the player could still pick it). That's why it's a problem, if the secondary weapon ID is of a weapon he's not allowed to take.
Not sure anymore about #6161- Fixed SpawnObject function had swapped knife and saw just tested, ID 12 spawns a Chainsaw, 13 a Combat knife - according to the wiki it should be the other way round, but is it up-to-date? I forgot which ID was supposed to be which before the last version
procedure Clock(Ticks: Integer);vari:byte;beginfor i := 1 to 32 do beginPlayers[i].BigText(2,'X:'+IntToStr(Players[i].MouseAimX),200,$FFFFFF,0.20,300,250);Players[i].BigText(3,'Y:'+IntToStr(Players[i].MouseAimY),200,$FFFFFF,0.20,300,300);end;end;begin Game.TickThreshold:=1; Game.OnClockTick:=@Clock;end.
function OnDamage(Shooter, Victim: TActivePlayer; Damage: Integer; BulletId: Byte): Integer;beginShooter.WriteConsole(IntToStr(Map.Bullets[BulletID].Style),$FFFFFF);Result:=Damage;end;
15-05-09 14:28:36 Savage has joined alpha team.15-05-09 14:28:42 [Savage] !cluster15-05-09 14:28:55 [Savage] now im gonna hit the bot15-05-09 14:29:05 /addbot2 Boogie Man([Savage])15-05-09 14:29:21 [Savage] !cluster15-05-09 14:29:21 <Test> ErrorCode: ErNoError15-05-09 14:29:21 <Test> Message: ID must be from 1 to 25415-05-09 14:29:21 <Test> UnitName: 15-05-09 14:29:21 <Test> FunctionName: ONDAMAGE15-05-09 14:29:21 <Test> Row: 015-05-09 14:29:21 <Test> Col: 0