I find that making the overview of a map is a really painfull thing to do. Sure, you can just zoom out in polyworks until everything is in sight and take a snapshot. But the idea is to make the overviews at 100% zooming, wich I do with all my maps. But, to do this I usually have to take snapshots of pieces of the map and paste them together in photoshop, then build the overview like a puzzle. While this if fun ONE time, after a while it gets so not fun. So, my idea for an app, is one app that takes an image of the whole level at 100%, with all sceneries and details showing, and it delivers it in a single shot without having to do the whole thing.
I don't know if this is possible, or easy to do, I don't make applications, I have no idea how to even program a minesweeper. But, if anyone thinks that he can do it, it would really help mappers to make detailed overviews of their proyects. So long and thanks for reading.