Author Topic: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches  (Read 19792 times)

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #60 on: December 23, 2012, 06:14:12 am »
More bugfixing less changing please

Im chill like that

Offline Mittsu

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #61 on: December 23, 2012, 10:33:29 am »
have you played for 5 years with one and only one weapon that got a critical change after? I highly doubt that.
I also wouldn't have any problem with it if the knife was playable, but it's not. That's why I'm fighting so hard and waiting for a fix.

change itself isn't bad, but if you're claiming it makes it unplayable then alright, i'm just talking about a general attitude towards changes

i have to admit though that i don't really understand why someone decided to make this change right now
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 10:37:59 am by Mittsu »
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Offline Seigen

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #62 on: January 04, 2013, 10:53:37 am »
Kind of getting off topic.

change for the sake of changing is rather pointless, and like all the people are saying, guns have individual characteristics relative to each other, so any changes in guns can never be as extreme as this is to knives; a change in barret's delay for example hardly affects gameplay, it's still a one shot weapon, but to change completely the way a knife moves through the air is the same as changing a barret bullet to move in the same way as an M79's.

if i was in KO community i'd be rather excited and since the only weapon you guys use is knife, the change is fair to everyone
, please don't just assume; how can so many players of knife only be against this change and then you, one who does't play have any idea.

Well I'm glad to know that you're open to see how this change turns out and in my opinion, that's all that the devs are asking for. It's recognizable that the knife does have sentimental value to the KO community, however I'm pretty sure a LOT of testing is going to be done for the knife to be enjoyed by the majority of Soldat. After all, these changes are being made to benefit Soldat as a WHOLE, not just single communities!
Also a quick question for you:
What's wrong with having to re-learn the knife? I mean sure you could look at it from the perspective that all the years that you've put into this weapon has gone to waste but it really hasn't.
If you look at the statistics (feel free to disagree), wouldn't you say that KO is more or less:
-30% Movement
-20% Strategy
-20% Teamwork
-30% Aim
However, with the upcoming knife change, the only thing that you have to relearn is your aim. You still preserve 70% of the things that you've learned. It's not so much as remastering rather than relearning.
If you follow through till the end, who knows? Maybe you'll end up as a better player than before.

Another person assuming knowledge of knife game-play when in fact has comparatively negligible experience to Knife Only players.

This change WILL affect Movement, Strategy, Teamwork and Aim.... AND For No Reason

Things like
Maybe you'll end up a better player
are really useless, whats wrong with getting better at the knife now? If anything new players looking at how the best do it now is the best way to get better, new players will watch and add their own styles constantly improving it.

Neither are you to say it. The knife being balanced the way it is affects both the people throwing the knife and the ones getting hit by them. This change wouldn't be performed if we didn't have a decent level of confidence in it improving the overall weapon balance, intuitiveness of the controls and gameplay. So you don't want to relearn aiming; what can be done about that? Well, nothing. Life isn't supposed to be fair. You're going to have to relearn the aim. And if the Knife Only community is a bona fide community who are in it for the fun they're having and the people they're having fun with, and not just a loose collection of people who gathered around a glitchy behavior in one of the weapons, then they'll survive this.

Any change of any weapon affects every player, just because this happens doesn't make it fair; it's unfair because there has been no such drastic change since the inception of Soldat. Clearly some members of the "devteam" are against this change, and you still believe you have a decent level of confidence? How is the dev team even selected?

Life isn't supposed to be fair
Yeah because Soldat is life isn't it? or just yours.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 11:17:50 am by Seigen »

Offline DutchFlame

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #63 on: January 04, 2013, 02:07:51 pm »

Yeah because Soldat is life isn't it? or just yours.

just deal with it.

your life is soldat, otherwise you wouldn't argue so much about this

Offline Seigen

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #64 on: January 04, 2013, 02:21:42 pm »

Yeah because Soldat is life isn't it? or just yours.

just deal with it.

your life is soldat, otherwise you wouldn't argue so much about this

"just deal with it" is the reply from supposedly Soldat devteam member

"your life is soldat" now you think you know me

Offline DutchFlame

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #65 on: January 04, 2013, 02:30:57 pm »

Yeah because Soldat is life isn't it? or just yours.

just deal with it.

your life is soldat, otherwise you wouldn't argue so much about this
"just deal with it" is the reply from supposedly Soldat devteam member

"your life is soldat" now you think you know me

No one is going to take you seriously if you just keep spamming that it sucks blabla, why don't you have a go at it first for a longer time then max 5 minutes to an hour.

People are so stickied to their ''weapons'' yet the game is not even made by them and they expect that THEIR KNIFE or THEIR ak74 is never going to change.

You didn't even applaud for the devs once that they did a good job by fixing all these bugs etc.

How do you suppose I should act to you my friend?

Please stop whining about how bad it is and instead give some useful advice on how it would be better or try it for a few months, maybe you are really good at the new velocity change who knows!

Offline Mittsu

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #66 on: January 04, 2013, 02:34:23 pm »
if i was in KO community i'd be rather excited and since the only weapon you guys use is knife, the change is fair to everyone
, please don't just assume; how can so many players of knife only be against this change and then you, one who does't play have any idea.

i already replied to this kind of accusation:

if i was in KO community i'd be rather excited and since the only weapon you guys use is knife, the change is fair to everyone.
Well, just wanted to say that since you haven't been in KO community, you can have no idea whether you'd be excited or not.

i play with several specific weapons and i would have no problem with them being changed in their gameplay mechanism

besides, as far as i know, every other weapon has velocity addition and i don't complain even though i use them
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 02:36:19 pm by Mittsu »
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Offline Vos

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #67 on: January 04, 2013, 03:43:38 pm »

Yeah because Soldat is life isn't it? or just yours.

just deal with it.

your life is soldat, otherwise you wouldn't argue so much about this
"just deal with it" is the reply from supposedly Soldat devteam member

"your life is soldat" now you think you know me

No one is going to take you seriously if you just keep spamming that it sucks blabla, why don't you have a go at it first for a longer time then max 5 minutes to an hour.

People are so stickied to their ''weapons'' yet the game is not even made by them and they expect that THEIR KNIFE or THEIR ak74 is never going to change.

You didn't even applaud for the devs once that they did a good job by fixing all these bugs etc.

How do you suppose I should act to you my friend?

Please stop whining about how bad it is and instead give some useful advice on how it would be better or try it for a few months, maybe you are really good at the new velocity change who knows!

You're pretty big mouthed for someone stepping in to the discussion,
he actually did give the devs credit for everything but the change earlier, funny how some people get into this conversation without actually knowing shit, just like you now.
Neither of us knifers have posted spam here, we have given dozens of reasons & arguments why this modification should not take place
anyways I can't be bothered to explain everything once again, there is a poll running and another discussion in the beta discussion forum
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Offline Seigen

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #68 on: January 04, 2013, 05:12:43 pm »
Yeah there's more than one thread going on about this particular topic

I quote myself from Topic: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!

I agree with the above, why has there been such a significant change to knife now, when there wasn't anything wrong before? Maybe this is a case of fixing something that's not broken.

This being said, all the other work regarding bug fixes are fully appreciated and thanks for the continuous good work from dev team.

Yeah.... think again "soldat dev member".. I wonder if it was the opinion of just one dev member to "completely change the way a knife is thrown" and anyhoo "Democracy is.........." yeah I think you know what I'm on about.

Comments like that already mean this knife business wasn't worth debating about, so why pretend to start a separate topic up that supposedly takes players opinions into account.

No one like YOU is going to take me seriously; that's disappointing really, since you're... well a member of the devteam of my favourite game.

And I don't think there's much more people worth listening to about knife changes than the ones who use it the most; and an overwhelming majority in that position have already expressed themselves in perfectly acceptable fashion.

I'm treating some members of the dev team with far too much respect.

Just because you've already replied to an accusation just makes it the more important to take heed of it.

Offline Mittsu

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #69 on: January 04, 2013, 05:29:39 pm »
who exactly was that directed at? ive got an impression you mixed several different people
<+elerok> soldat is dead
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Offline DutchFlame

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #70 on: January 04, 2013, 05:41:15 pm »
Seigen this is not the show your emotions about your lovely knife /thread

This discussion just leads into your **hole waiting for something to change unfortunately that won't happen after a gameplay test of 1 hour.

What did you say when you first played soldat?  O M GEE THIS KNIFE SO GOOD? THIS IS MY PRECIOUS!!

You're seriously starting to sound like smeagol/gollum of lotr

Im going to start talking to you, because you're obviously too stubborn to take a good view at this.
My advice to you = Test it for more then a few weeks, and then review your OWN opinion.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 06:26:35 pm by DutchFlame »

Offline Seigen

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #71 on: January 04, 2013, 08:02:52 pm »
good luck indeed, thanks for a waste of time, now labelled as stubborn; by giving good arguments over separate threads, then getting replies as "Just deal with it".

These arguments will go round in circles; I just feel it a responsibility to express the collective views of KO community. As I expect you've seen our forum?; so actually it's not just my emotions.

you're seriously sounding like you know anything at all from I dunno... the Matrix kkkkkk

I'm not taking this seriously any more.


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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #72 on: January 04, 2013, 11:04:10 pm »

Offline Vos

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #73 on: January 05, 2013, 03:49:38 am »
doesnt matter whether you test it for an hour or a day or month, stays the same really, anyways I think the poll says enough in the beta discussion ;)
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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #74 on: January 05, 2013, 08:41:37 am »
Too much crying. Too. Much. Get over it guys.

Offline DutchFlame

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #75 on: January 05, 2013, 01:34:31 pm »
doesnt matter whether you test it for an hour or a day or month, stays the same really, anyways I think the poll says enough in the beta discussion ;)

If you can get good at something after a while I don't think it stays the same.

The obvious point here is that you guys are not good at the new knife mechanics and just deny the fact that it's actually a really nice balance change according to other secondaries.

Im not going to shout at you to give it atleast a chance for a longer time, but I honestly think that we all should be mature and be positive to the new changes.

Offline Mighty

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #76 on: January 05, 2013, 02:47:47 pm »
The obvious point here is that you guys are not good at the new knife mechanics and just deny the fact that it's actually a really nice balance change according to other secondaries.
After we've given you numerous tactical disadvantages of the new knife and nobody actually saying anything close to "I can't aim now, change it back", all I can reply to that is: bullshit.
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Offline Vos

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #77 on: January 05, 2013, 02:51:11 pm »
doesnt matter whether you test it for an hour or a day or month, stays the same really, anyways I think the poll says enough in the beta discussion ;)

If you can get good at something after a while I don't think it stays the same.

The obvious point here is that you guys are not good at the new knife mechanics and just deny the fact that it's actually a really nice balance change according to other secondaries.

Im not going to shout at you to give it atleast a chance for a longer time, but I honestly think that we all should be mature and be positive to the new changes.

gotta agree with mighty on this one..
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Offline Seigen

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #78 on: January 07, 2013, 11:59:33 pm »
doesnt matter whether you test it for an hour or a day or month, stays the same really, anyways I think the poll says enough in the beta discussion ;)

If you can get good at something after a while I don't think it stays the same.

The obvious point here is that you guys are not good at the new knife mechanics and just deny the fact that it's actually a really nice balance change according to other secondaries.

Im not going to shout at you to give it atleast a chance for a longer time, but I honestly think that we all should be mature and be positive to the new changes.

If you knew anything of the knifing community, you would know who we are.

The obvious point that such a drastic change and that humans take time to adjust to any change and then making this natural human limitation a reason for our dislike despite providing many sound reasons and arguments regarding this unnecessary mod, yes absolute bullshit.

Offline DutchFlame

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Re: Devlog update (2012-12-10) Finishing touches
« Reply #79 on: January 08, 2013, 08:46:36 am »
You guys play a selfmade mod, what did you expect that everyones going to make balances for your mod. No.